Excessive Sweating Embarrassment


By Simon Adams

Human beings sweat due to a natural process called perspiration. Perspiration is the body's way of cooling itself down using water on the skin, called perspiration or sweat. The perspiration on the skin does this by the evaporation.

Frequent sweating at normal temperatures and/or with no work, then be on the alert: you may be afflicted with hyperhidrosis. This is a disorder that leads to excessive perspiration. Hyperhidrosis greatly increases your risk of developing infections due to sweating profusely.

As sweat gathers in an area, a foul odor is created. It is Not the sweat that smells, though. The odor is a result of bacteria on the skin that interacts with the sweat. This is why you, or anybody for that matter, are stinky after engaging in strenuous activity or hard work, like a workout or moving furniture for instance.

On the other hand, at the age of puberty, sweat glands become more active and release more sweat. The main areas that sweat are armpits, groin areas, feet and palms. These areas tend to become hotter and thus sweat more producing more bacteria.

Generally, these are also the areas that stink more. Hence, it is necessary to keep these areas clean. The most basic way to clean these areas is by taking shower every day using a mild soap. This helps in washing away the odor causing bacteria from your body.

Also, simply cleaning the body is not all you must do to fight the stink. Clothing to be worn needs to be clean too. Cotton clothing absorbs perspiration and keep the troublesome areas dry. This especially true of 100% cotton shirts, 100% cotton socks, and 100% cotton underwear.

The Shame:

Sufferers of hyperhidrosis must keep as far away from sweat as possible. Heavy sweating is also known to cause fungus based infections, scales on the skin and rashes that are irritating as well as appear to others as ugly or unattractive. The odor(s) caused by sweating excessively can be overly embarrassing. Other people will go out of their way to avoid being close to a stinky individual.

There are chances that a person has to remove his/her shoes at a social gathering and the excessive sweating may cause a disgusting smell. Due to the presence of sweat for long time, the bacteria reacts with sweat causing disgusting odor.

Hence, always wear footwear that allow the air to pass through evaporating the sweat. This is one of the ways to eradicate the stink caused in feet. If required, then change the socks and prefer using cotton socks. Sweating in feet may cause many skin infections, so always make use of clean socks.

If the skin on the foot stays damp or wet for long periods of time, the result can be serious infections and other untended sweat based problems. One other problem is possible; once a fungus based infection has occurred, it leaves behind scars that make the feet appear unattractive. Ultimately, the social life and personal life of the sufferer is affected.

Sweat on the palms of the hands can create another potentially embarrassing situation. As an example, you shake somebody's hand and immediately see them wiping their hands off afterward. Undoubtedly embarrassing for you and could leave a bad first impression of you. Avoid this one by carrying a kerchief or tissues with you always.

A bad impression may be left on people that you come into contact with. The way to deal with this is to carry a handkerchief at all times. Almost everybody at some time tends to sweat In the armpits so it is a good idea to practice excellent personal hygiene around the armpits.

Groin areas are also prone to excessive sweating. In fact, these areas are more prone to infection caused by the sweating. Hence, it is very necessary to pay proper attention to cleanliness and hygiene in these areas.

The embarrassment that sweating brings can even effect the career of an individual. Many patients have reported that they are not able to operate computer keyboards because of excessive palm sweating. Apart form this, many couples have revealed that they feel awkward holding hands of each other as their hands are always sweaty. There are many other ways that sweat can bring shame on you.

But take heart, solutions are available for this situation. Millions are spent each year by companies to develop products to reduce sweat and it's resulting odors. Many of the products have had success in controlling the unpleasant aromas created by the presence of sweat. Right now, a wide variety of deodorants, colognes, and even creams/lotions that help control the nasty effects of excessive sweating and decrease its power over your life quality.

These newly developed products have been proven to be effective in odor control, but are not meant to control the occurrence of sweat. For this reason, god personal hygiene is a necessity to control your body's sweat production.

Remember that nobody likes to stay close to a stinking person, as everyone moves out or avoid that person. But, what if the stink is coming from you? Thus, stay hygiene and follow the tips to control sweat and ultimately the odor.

Bathe regularly each day using warm water and a good soap.

Wear cotton clothes that absorb sweat.

Carry tissues or a handkerchief with you.

Have spare socks with you at all times.

Make use of talcum powder. It absorbs the sweat and eliminates the odor created.

Stay away from spicy food. Eating spicy food can make you sweat.

Avoid consumption of alcohol other drinks that contain caffeine.

Drink lots of water and stay hydrated.

If you have a few extra pounds, lose them.

Perspiring heavily not only makes you smell badly, but causes other skin eruptions like acne or boils. Follow these tips to help control the embarrassment of hyperhidrosis, but it is always a good idea to consult woth your doctor. - 27772

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