What Causes Cancer?


By Allan Tan

What causes cancer? The causes of cancer can be described in two dimensions, the factors that make someone susceptible to cancer and the carcinogen that triggered the cancer.

A carcinogen is something that is known to increase someones risk of cancer. Tobacco smoke and sun damage are well known carcinogens.

There are numerous types of cancer. A carcinogen may trigger a specific type of cancer and may not increase the risk of other types of cancer. For example, tobacco smoke may cause lung cancer, but it does not cause prostate cancer or skin cancer.

In addition to carcinogens, there are factors that make someone prone to cancer. Hereditary is one of the factors that affect whether or not someone will develop cancer. Cancer can be common in some families.

Advanced age is a risk factor for cancer. As someone gets older, their risk of cancer increases. Some experts say that if people would live long enough, they would certainly develop certain cancers based on the risk associated with age alone.

An unhealthy lifestyle is considered to be a risk factor for cancer. People who drink too much alcohol or have unhealthy diets may be increasing their risk of cancer.

A weak immune system can increase someones risk of cancer. People who weakened immune systems or take medication to suppress the immune system can be susceptible to some types of cancer.

Some types of cancer can be caused by a viral infection. The viral infection can cause changes in the cells that can lead to cancer. Some types of cancer that can be caused by viral infections are stomach cancer and cervical cancer.

Sometimes, the cancer can be caused by an accidental change in the structure of new cells during cell division. The changes in the new cells may be harmless or can lead to cancer.

Some of these factors cannot be changed by the person with these risks. A person cannot change their genetic risk of cancer. But, some of these factors, such as following a healthy lifestyle and avoiding excess sun exposure, can be changed and reduce the risk of some cancers. - 27772

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