Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Treatment


By Thomas Voullemier

Hemorrhoids are annoying and painful. They can also be dangerous if left untreated and diagnosed correctly. Thankfully, if you do have one, there are a lot of options for treatment that includes natural, non-surgical, and surgical methods. Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatments are available through most hospitals and family clinics, some natural remedies can even be done at home.

What are Hemorrhoids?

When anyone hears the word "hemorrhoid," they know where the problem is located. However, you'll find that many individuals don't understand the true nature of what happens. In short, a hemorrhoid develops when the veins in the rectum and anus are inflamed. Seeing them yourself may be difficult, but when you visit a doctor they will notice swollen and enlarged veins. Then again, if you are experiencing thrombosed hemorrhoids they are actually be blocked by blood clots.

The Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

The symptoms are as easy as saying, "Pain!Pain!Pain!" While this is true in just about every case, you need to understand what form of hemorrhoids you're dealing with here. Due to the swelling you will feel an uncomfortable tightness in your rectal area. Then of course some of you will have a burning sensation throughout the day as you continue to irritate the problem. If things are more serious you will notice bleeding, which needs to be taken care of right away. If you let something like this go you could wind up with an infection, which will lead to other more serious issues. You probably don't want to have to deal with rectal cancer, anal fissures, or perianal hematoma, so go see a doctor before things get worse. Keep in mind you have to understand the symptoms before you can look at a solution.

Choosing the Right Treatment

There is no one cure for hemorrhoids but treatment regiments do exists that can are exceptionally effective. Hemorrhoids that have just presented, new ones that have only been there for 2 or three days, and small ones are usually treated conservatively. This means only a change in diet, sitz baths, analgesics, proper anal hygiene, herbal remedies, and sometime topical creams. A high-fiber diet and proper intake of liquids is recommended for all hemorrhoid sufferers to prevent hard stools. Proper care should also be taken to prevent liquid stools and diarrhea as this may also cause pain to the hemorrhoid sufferer. Cold compresses and hot baths can help relax the veins and heal the hemorrhoid. Ointments and suppositories can provide pain relief and lessen the inflammation of external hemorrhoids. These practices can help prevent further development and irritation of your hemorrhoids.

Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment may also mean some and medical procedures. Rubber band ligations, the common method of dealing with large hemorrhoids, are done with elastic bands applied to a hemorrhoid that cut off circulation to the hemorrhoid and it will slough off with normal bowel movement in a couple of days. Enemas are also sometimes done to clean the area, though extreme care must be taken, and the procedure should be done by a doctor. Laser, Infrared, or Electric cauterization can also be used. Infrared coagulation is the most common non-surgical procedure in the United States. There is no perceivable advantage to each of these procedures, and personal preference is usually the deciding factor on which technique shall be used.

Depending on the case minor surgery to remove the clot or the hemorrhoid itself can be used. Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment is done through a multitude of options that are available depending on the doctor or hospital. Sclerotherapy uses injections of hardening agent on hemorrhoids that harden the veins and causes the hemorrhoid to shrivel up. "Grade III" or "Grade IV" hemorrhoids, usually the largest ones, are usually treated with hemorrhoidectomy, which is a true surgical procedure in which the hemorrhoid is lanced of the area. This is most effective in cases where non-surgical therapy has not worked or with large hemorrhoids with severe symptoms. Post-operative pain is the most common major complication of this procedure. It may require two to four weeks before the patient can return to normal activities after the surgery.

Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatments are numerous and varied but it still remains a fact that conservative medical therapy and natural methods are best when dealing with early stage and new hemorrhoids. One should keep in mind that one must ask consent from their doctor before taking or applying these remedies to avoid conflicts or other possible drug interactions that may harm the patient. Natural astringents like witch hazel, cranesbill, honey, and aloe vera are used to sooth the affected area and reduce swelling. Ice packs can relieve inflammation and irritation of hemorrhoids. Dietary supplements like Billberry extract, Horse-Chesnut extract, Butcher's broom and other bioflavonoids can help treat hemorrhoids by helping strengthening, protecting and, relieving vein problems. An effective and well balanced fiber enriched diet will not only help with your current hemorrhoid but will also prevent future ones.

Other physical techniques have also proved effective in relieving hemorrhoid pain. Using the squat position during bowel movements have been tested, though inconclusively, against hemorrhoid occurrence and had somewhat proved effectiveness. Thrombosed hemorrhoid treatment techniques like raised legs during sleep may help enlarged veins return to normal size. Hot baths can also help relax the veins and help with the pain. Wearing loose clothing and light underwear may help the sufferer as tight clothes can often add to the irritation and pain. Kegel exercises used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles can also help with the pain.

Last but not least we understand that many of you may have the budget in mind. If this is the case, check and see if your thrombosed hemorrhoid treatments are covered by your insurance. If they are you will be able to find them in the general medical procedures listed in your handbook. However, it it's not working out, the natural alternative is cheaper and more financially sound for your budget.

Now it's time to revert back to when we told you about seeing a doctor. If you're experiencing issues with hemorrhoids or aren't sure you have them, contact your doctor. They will be able to narrow the symptoms and understand the problem. This way, you can take the next step to regaining your normal lifestyle. - 27772

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