Hand & Wrist Positions for make less painful CT Symptoms Pain


By Tom Nicholson

You probably don't want to hear the words carpel tunnel syndrome since everything you've ever heard is not too good. Anybody that you have ever spoken to that has had it tells about the nightmare it is to deal with. You probably think that you may get it as well without taking some preventative measures. If you work on the computer, are an athlete or construction worker that uses your hands in repetitive motion, you could be right.

We tend to take our hands for granted and assume we will always have the use of them. We don't mind when we get a minor cut or burn since our hands can really take a beating and keep on working. The fact is that our hands are invaluable to use. We depend on them to help us complete an endless number of everyday tasks. For those that need their hands to perform their work, they are even more valuable. It is a good idea to take more action to take better care of our hands since they are so important.

But what is carpal tunnel syndrome and how does it affect our hands? Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition that starts off with tingling, numbness or cold feeling in the hands. These symptoms can also be present in the forearm and elbow depending on the amount of time the symptoms have been present. For some people, even loss of functionality in the hands and fingers can result, causing temporary loss in productivity at the job and possibly even weeks of rehabilitation? Other conditions may occur if you adjust your body to ease the pressure on your wrists such as back pain, neck pain or even shoulder pain.

When the median nerve, which spans the length of the arm becomes compressed at the wrists, carpel tunnel syndrome will likely occur. The compression happens if the transverse carpal ligament is put under too much pressure and becomes tight. The transverse carpal ligament is important because it binds nerves and ligaments together at the wrist and allow for functionality and maneuverability in the hands. When the hands are not stress free and loose, they are vulnerable to discomfort and pain. There is some good news though. There are some steps that can be taken that can prevent this from happening to you.

While some people may consider surgery for carpal tunnel pain, you may want to think twice. After all, the procedure does involve severing the transverse carpal ligament in the hopes that it will relieve the stress on the median nerve. While it does tend to give immediate pain relief, the lasting effects are unknown and can be devastating if not properly considered.

The one principle that should be considered when looking for relief from carpel tunnel pain, is how it can be done in a non-invasive and natural way. The first thing to look at is your eating and exercise habits. If your body is getting the proper nutrients it will be able to fight the effects of the carpel tunnel syndrome more effectively. Think about taking a few extra breaks while you are working in order to your hands a chance to rest. In addition to these steps, stretch and loosen you your wrist occasionally to keep them from becoming overly stressed. It will help to shake the hands occasionally to keep the blood flowing to the hands and fingers. Last but not least, good posture is critical when trying to prevent carpel tunnel syndrome.

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