The Hidden Dangers of Visceral Fat


By David Grossil

Everywhere you look these days you're being told that you need to lose weight and get flat abs. If you're watching TV, you see infomercials that tell you about some new diet pill that you have to have. If you're looking through a magazine, you'll see ads throughout. Cruise the internet for a minute and you're likely to see some new product that claims to be the quick fix solution you've been looking for in your journey to get rid of fat.

Everywhere you look, you see advertising and media that make you want to be skinnier. You see models and actresses that make you think skinny is the norm. While it should be, unfortunately it is not. The vast majority of people in this country are at least a little overweight. While not everyone is, there are a lot of people that could afford to lose weight.

People watch the news in anticipation of the next health scare that they can be worried about. We have a scare with the "Swine Flu" in the United States. Everyone was glued to their TV sets for a week, worrying about how many people were going to die from the "pandemic". However, what they don't realize is that there is something much more likely to kill them in their house already...their belly fat.

When you gain belly fat, you're actually signaling a deeper problem within your body. When you have fat around your belly it means that you are resistant to insulin. That type of fat is difficult for insulin to get into and it can lead to serious conditions. What kind of things can this lead to?

Collecting extra fat around the midsection in turn makes you collect more fat in the liver. When you do this, it becomes exceedingly difficult for the liver to do its job. It can't properly remove the insulin from your blood. This, in turn, makes your pancreas work overtime to produce more and more insulin.

As a result of this, you become insulin resistant. The last thing you want to be is resistant to insulin or anything else that your body produces naturally. This creates a substance in your body that is basically a poison and eats away at your inner organs. In a roundabout way it also makes you eat more. This will obviously make you gain even more belly fat.

This is a deadly cycle that must be stopped by you at all costs. Many times, the hardest part is making the decision that something must be done. Once you truly make a decision, everything else gets easier from there.

Overall, belly fat is a dangerous part of your body that needs to be removed. There are a number of ways to do it, but you need to know the facts. To find the most effective way to remove stubborn belly fat and get a flat stomach, check out The Truth About Six Pack Abs. It is a very valuable resource to turn to in this situation. - 27772

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