Acai Berry For Depression


By Dana Hawkes

In the modern society, depression has become one of the major causes of suicidal deaths. Depression is actually a state of mind where a person has a low feeling and he cannot get out of it without medical help. A person starts feeling worthless, loses interest in day to day activities, becomes pessimistic and wants to remain alone. According to researches depression can be caused by certain physical changes like prolonged illness, stroke, heart attack or hormonal imbalance. A change in the brain structure is also sometimes associated with depression. But whatever the causes a depressed person needs immediate help.

Researches at the Florida University have shown that the acai berries have the potential to improve a depressed state. The acai components have the ability to detoxify the brain and help in maintaining alertness and clarity. The acai berries are also known to increase the metabolic rate and this improves cell functioning.

The antioxidant content of the acai berries helps in regeneration of healthy cells thus invoking good health. The brain runs smoothly on account of these antioxidants, vitamins and important fatty acids. They also destroy xenobiotics which are held responsible for depression and dismal brain function. The acai berry nutrients aid in the production of better neurotransmitters which improve communication within brain cells.

The acai berries are also known to be mood enhancers. They make a person feel calm and less irritable. Unhealthy sleeping patterns that affect brain functioning are also taken care of as acai berries aid in releasing more serotonin in the body. The serotonin is what induces a person to sleep. Hence while fighting depression, acai berries also aid in curing insomnia.

With so many varied benefits it is no wonder that the acai berries have been termed as a super food. So to gain maximally from these berries one must include them in their regular diet.

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