Causes Of Female Infertility: Revealed


By Lisa Olson

Discover the various causes which are instrumental in causing infertility in females.

Female infertility can be caused due to various reasons. The causes range from Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, which is actually the most common cause for infertility in women. It covers around 75% of the population. Anovulation or ovulation problems, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Gonadal Dysgenesis, Luteal Phase Defect, Endometriosis, Cervical Stenosis, Uterine fibroids, Menopause, Premature Ovarian failure and also old age are also the highly probable causes of female infertility .

A variety of bacteria infests the pelvic area of women like the reproductive organs or the appendix of the intestines causing infections. This pelvic region is prone to these kinds of infections. And Pelvic Inflammatory Disease occurs. When the fallopian tubes get affected due to the increase of such infections, the ovum or egg fails to proceed to them. This blocks the ovulation process. And the woman suffering from it becomes impotent. Known as Salpingitis, it is a sexually transmitted infection or STI and the causing agent is a bacterium known as Chlamydia trachomatis.

One of the widespread diseases in the developing countries like Pelvic Tuberculosis is also responsible for causing PID. The bacteria causing Tuberculosis affects the pelvic zone, in turn, bringing about gynecological problems. When abortions are carried out in unhealthy circumstances, especially on women who are non-sterile, their reproductive organs are easily contaminated by bacteria. This infection due to the after-effects of such unsafe abortion is also one of the significant causes of female infertility.

Endometriosis (around 30%) may also lead to female infertility although it has not been confirmed whether endometriosis can be the sole cause of infertility or it is only a contributory factor that leads to it. Nevertheless, most women who are infertile suffer from Endometriosis.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is another commonly known factor that causes infertility in women. Females suffering from this syndrome produce excessively high amount of male hormone from their ovaries. The excessive production of androgen in women affected with PCOS happens to lower the hormone level that stimulates follicle. As a result of this the follicles fail to produce a matured egg which ultimately negates the possibility of conception. Besides, the failed follicles become swelled with fluids and take the form of cysts. With more and more follicle turning into cysts, the ovary enlarges causing a host of complications other than infertility.

Even if bacterial infection can be escaped, nature plays harsh games with some. Ovarian dysfunction does take place in women where the follies degenerate way before menopause. This is commonly called as the Premature Ovarian Failure. Women suffering from it have menopause even before they reach forty years. Therefore, it is also referred to as Early Menopause. If treated in time, it can be cured but if left the woman can become sterile.

Hypothalamic Amenorrhea is also likely to cause infertility in women. In this case, due to disturbances in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system and the thyroid gland, menstruation stops.

Uterine fibroids, especially which develop under the uterine cavity lining are known as sub-mucosal uterine fibroid. This can cause miscarriage, heavy bleeding and can also lead to infertility in women. In Cervical Stenosis and Non-receptive cervical mucus, both of which are kinds of Cervical Infertility, the sperm fail to pass through the mouth of uterine opening due to obstructions or stenos. It also fails to travel to the uterus on account of inhospitable cervical mucus.

The fact is that female infertility cannot be cured by therapies and treatments that are conventional because it just tends to suggest medications and assisted reproduction techniques rather than finding out the real causes of female infertility. Holistic remedies on the other hand searches for the real cause of infertility in the female body and then suggests its remedies. The remedies can range from Chinese medicines to diet changes to acupuncture to exercise and even useful herbs. Over the years, holistic remedies have proved to be a better approach to treat female infertility and have offered better results as well. - 27772

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